Whiplash: Get With My Tempo!
Hello everyone! For our Monday show we have the oscar-winning drama Whiplash.
DIRECTOR: Damien Chazelle
STARRING: Miles Teller, J. K. Simmons, Paul Reiser
GENRE: Drama
YEAR: 2014
COUNTRY: United States
Andrew Neyman is an ambitious young jazz drummer, single-minded in his pursuit to rise to the top of his elite east coast music conservatory. Plagued by the failed writing career of his father, Andrew hungers day and night to become one of the greats. Terence Fletcher, an instructor equally known for his teaching talents as for his terrifying methods, leads the top jazz ensemble in the school. Fletcher discovers Andrew and transfers the aspiring drummer into his band, forever changing the young man’s life. Andrew’s passion to achieve perfection quickly spirals into obsession, as his ruthless teacher continues to push him to the brink of both his ability-and his sanity.
Yet another film from my Oscar film viewing party, Whiplash was by far the best that the Academy had to offer this year. J.K. Simmons as well as Miles Teller were performing at the top of their game, and Simmons made me respect music teachers everywhere while simultaneously fearing them at the same time. The film hit the theme of dedication right on the head this time providing support for both the teacher and the student. What does Whiplash need? Some blood? Oh no it has some, and it sprays quite nicely on the drum kit.
The pacing for Whiplash felt off to me, as in the first 30 minutes I couldn’t exactly understand what the point of the film was. Many of the scenes were stretched out longer than I personally would have like, but it served its purpose. I know they also weren’t completely necessary, but I would have like to see Teller develop more than just the one relationship. Oh well. Other than that, there is not much to hate on regarding Whiplash. Well done Damien Chazelle you made a spectacular film that I wished I could have been apart of.
- Incredible direction.
- Main cast performance.
- Dedication.
- Blood on the drum kit.
- Pacing.
- Scenes stretched longer than they should.
SCORE: 9.0 / 10
If you have any suggestions for films/TV/Games/Music/Anime for me to review, drop me a comment!
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.