Newcomer Khanvict Drops Surreal and Beautiful, Electric Bollywood "Kahani EP"
Now this is definitely a market that we don’t get to thrive in very often. Our newest addition to the MiR family, today we are checking out the brand new Kahani EP from Pakistani producer Khanvict. Born in Pakistan yet raised in the great white north, Khanvict is definitely an artist that absolutely needs to be on your radar. Originally finding his start in the electronic space by DJing luxury weddings in exotic locales like the Greek Isles, Khanvict was fully convinced to pursue his passion after attending North America’s Shambala festival. He was later introduced to other unique-sounding producers such as TroyBoi and Clozee, which simply fueled that burning desire within him. Khanvict is so determined that he even founded his own Snakes & Ladders imprint, with this Kahani EP serving as just the first step.
If you have been following us for any amount of time, we don’t tend to hide the fact that we love unique-sounding artists. Khanvict has crafted an interesting style, combining modern electronic music with elements from one of the most popular music genres in the world…Bollywood. Yes, you heard us correctly. While the EP is only five tracks long, Kahani impressively takes listeners on a Bollywood-inspired supersonic journey, exploring this new soundscape that Khanvict has crafted. Our favorite track is definitely the main leading single “Searching For You”, but every single track is definitely worth a listen. The instrumentals are majestic and groovy, the vocal work is intoxicating and surreal, while the modern electronic beats enhance the experience. What more could you ask for?
Make sure you check out the Kahani EP on Spotify below, as well as on SoundCloud and YouTube!
Need more Khanvict and Snakes & Ladders? Follow on socials!
Snakes & Ladders

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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.