NXT with Steven PehmPro Wrestling

WWE NXT |7-3-14|Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd’s Bet!

Hello my friends and welcome to my review of this week’s edition on NXT! Tonight our advertised Main Event is Justin Gabriel with Tyson Kidd in his corner taking on Sami Zayn!

Colin Cassady W/ Enzo Amore vs. Sylvester Lefort W/ Marcus Louis

Big Cass and Amore are going to open up NXT as they make their way to the ring. Enzo cuts his normal promo before the match and Cassady began to talk about his opponent calling him Peppy Le’Pew. Lefort and Louis is out next and Lefort cuts a promo on Cass, and stating their is no challenge for him. The bell rings and the match is under way! Lefort starts off early with a couple of strikes and even countered Big Cass when he grabbed his throat, but Cassady hits The East River Crossing early and begins to set up for The Empire Elbow as the crowd chants along with him “S-A-W-F-T!” Colin covers Lefort to pick up an easy victory.

Winner – Colin Cassady

Grade – B-, I can kind of understand why Big Cass dominated over Lefort, but if the WWE has any plan of making The Legionaries look like a threat to the Tag Titles, there not doing a good job. The main reason for the grade is because of the amusing banter in the beginning of the match. It wasn’t a bad match, it was just to fast for it to even get good! 

Backstage Interview W/ Adrian Neville (c)

Devin Taylor is backstage ready ton interview the NXT Champion, Adrian Neville. The two talk about his victory over RVD last week and how much of an honor it was for Neville, until the Number One Contender, Tyler Breeze comes in. Tyler talks about how it must be killing Neville to wonder when he will cash in his title shot. Neville said it’s quite the opposite and offers to put the title on the line tonight against him. Breeze aid he would love to, but sadly he suffers a career threatening injury while hand modeling, and shows his broken finger. I heard he suffered a broken finger, but luckily its a small injury that will heal in no time!

The BFF’s |Charlotte (c) & Sasha Banks| vs. Bayley & Becky Lynch

Banks and the NXT Womens Champion makes her way to the ring. The commentators discussed the recent problems between The BFF’s, but apparently Banks and Charlotte fixed things up and said “Every Boss needs a Flair, and every Flair needs a Boss!” Out next is Bayley and her new BFF “Bayley’s Friend Forever!”  Bayley stated that in a record promo before the match, where she also talked about how excited she was to take what remained of The BFF’s. Bayley and Sasha Banks started the match off! Bayley stayed in constant control landing several strikes on Banks and hitting her with many impressive moves before making the tag to Lynch. Becky climbed to the top rope as Bayley held on the Banks arm, Lynch jumps off the top rope and hits an Ax Handle onto Banks arm. Lynch grabbed her into a headlock, but Sasha pushes Becky back into her corer to make the tag to Charlotte! Charlotte comes in and keeps control over Becky Lynch, covering her for a pin of only two before Lynch slid her way out of it and began to take it to The NXT Womens Champion using her speed to her advantage. Becky and Bayley worked real together, keeping tags fresh and even clearing the ring of both The BFF’s when The Suplexed Charlotte and than Clotheslined Banks! The BFF’s raced out of the ring and Bayley and Becky are looking good, before the commercial break! Once back from the break, we see Bayley o the outside of the ring, while Charlotte tags in Banks back in the ring. Bayley quickly pulls Banks off the apron and starts to beat down on her on the outside of the ring, until The NXT Womens Champion, baseball slid under the ropes, right into the back of Bayley. The BFF’s took their opening and began to dominate over Bayley. Th BFF’s wear Bayley down with constant strikes and great teamwork. The NXT Womens Champion, uses her signature Figure Four Headlock on Bayley to wear her down even more, and no matter how hard Bayley tried The BFF’s had a counter for every move. After making the tag back into Sasha Banks, The BFF’s went to bounce Bayley off the ropes, but she quickly turned it around on them, trying them up and forcing The BFF’s to collide face first. As Bayley crawled to tag in Becky Lynch, Banks grabbed her leg and looked to strop her, but she pushed Sasha off and sent her into Charlotte and than made the tag to Lynch! The Fiery Red Head came in and began to take it to Banks with uppercuts and numerous Leg Drops before going for the pin for only two before Charlotte races in and breaks it up. Bayley races in and tries to take Charlotte out, but The NXT Womens Champion counters her and tosses her outside of the ring before getting the tag from Banks. Charlotte races in and dropkicks the leg of Becky Lynch, perfectly setting her up for Bow Down to the Queen! Charlotte hits in and covers her for the three!

Winners – The BFF’s |Charlotte (c) & Sasha Banks|

Grade – B,  Some solid tag team action here tonight between these four divas! After the match, Charlotte left the ring while Sasha stayed in to get her arm raised and to trash talk Becky Lynch some more. Bayley raced in and took Banks out before tossing her out of the ring. It seems like only a matter of time before The BFF’s explode! I still feel like where going to have a Triple Threat Match between all three of The BFF’s (Summer Rae, Sasha Banks & Charlotte) over the title, but Bayley seems to have change of character going for her. Were seeing he grow a little more aggressive, and with her history with Charlotte, I sure wouldn’t mind seeing a feud between those two in the future either!

Backstage Interview W/Justin Gabriel

Devin Taylor is backstage to interview Justin Gabriel, the two talk about his match with Sami Zayn latter tonight until Tyson Kidd interrupts when he calls Zayn a loser. Tyson talks to Gabriel about hos he lost to Adrian Neville and how is career is slowly falling into Purgatory! Tyson also states that the only way to stop it is to take your boot and step on the heads of anyone trying to rise up! Gabriel says Kidd is wrong and that he is going to prove it tonight when he beats Sami Zayn. Tyson seems to have officially turned heel, but I can’t help to see the truth in his words. While young talent such as Roman Reigns, Cesaro and The Wyatt’s rise up the once promising careers of Tyson Kidd and Gabriel are slowly dimming away, and it’s only a matter of time that they get the same phone call that Brodus Clay, Drew McIntyre and JTG all got recently, unless they do something about it!

The BFF’s |Charlotte (c) & Sasha Banks| Segment

Banks questions why Charlotte didn’t help her when Bayley attacked her. Charlotte answered by stating they won’t be tagging anymore and she wants to be on her own. Banks asks Charlotte if she knows how much she has done for her and quickly asks if this is about Summer. Charlotte quickly responds saying Summer only made it clearer, and Banks states the hr and Summer got along a lot better before Charlotte and announced that next week Bayley takes on Summer Rae for the Number One Contenderhship for the NXT Womens Championship! It seems The BFF’s have officially ended or at least Charlotte is no longer a member. The fact that Banks acknowledged her and Summer got along a lot better before Charlotte joined makes me feel those two will still stay BFF’s but who knows since Summer is on the main roster anyway! Either way, I suspect Banks to play a role in the number one contenders match o make sure her BFF, Summer wins!

CJ Parker vs. Steve Cutler

CJ Parker makes his way to the ring with a new entrance theme and video. The only real interesting thing to note is he took a sign from a fan that read “Woods” with and “X” over it. The commentators pointed out the Parker seems to have a problem with Xavier Woods. His opponent is already in the ring, and this match is under way!  Parker went right after Cutler not letting him get a single move in while he just showered him with punches while screaming at him that it is his fault the world is the way it is. CJ Parker stood back into the turnbuckle as he waited for Steve Cutler to get to his feet. Once Cutler was up on is feet, Parker hit him with a Heel Kick to win the match.

Winner – CJ Parker

Grade – B-, The match was really to quick to really judge, but this is the beginning of Parker’s new character so it was expected. The real reason why this grade was so high is because of Parker’s aftermath promo! CJ Parker grabbed the mic and spoke about Xavier Woods is about to t his doctors degree and than questions what he has done since he left NXT, before giving a brief rundown of what has has done. Parker said if he was in Woods’s position he’d win titles and make a name for himself while saving the world, and ended it by saying Woods has what he wants and he is coming for it. Even though the fans didn’t give him the response I feel he deserved, Parker look good in the ring tonight and cut a pretty good promo. It seems CJ has finally found his stride! 

Renee Young Interview W/ Tyson Kidd

Renee Young sat down with Tyson Kidd in an interview where she could ask him anything. Young asked Tyson about Not shaking Neville’s hand after their match, his problems as of late with Natalya and walking out on his Tag Title match with Zayn. Tyson seemed o respond to every answer the same way basically saying his head wasn’t where is should be. It wasn’t until Young told Tyson that a lot of people are saying he and Nattie are going through some Martial Problems and asked if that was something Tyson would like to talk to her about. Tyson had other plans as he got up and walked away in disgust. This was a very different Tyson than from witch we saw earlier tonight. Tyson blamed a lot of things on just his mind not being in the right place and it makes me think this could go two different ways. One, Tyson is lying through his teeth or two, the guy has split personalities! Either way I’ve really been enjoying the character of Tyson Kidd as of late, and I feel he has become one of the best things NXT has to offer. Who knows maybe NXT is what Tyson needs to turn his career around!

Sami Zayn vs. Justin Gabriel W/Tyson Kidd

Sami makes his way to the ring to much fan fare, and out next is his opponent for the night, Justin Gabriel! Gabriel is being accompanied by Tyson Kidd, and the two seem to be getting along. It was brought up how both Gabriel and Kidd were Tag partners at some point, but the match was very Chain Wrestling heavy in the beginning with Zayn controlling Justin no matter what he did. Gabriel had to use the ropes several times to get Zayn ff him and every time he looked over at Kidd, while Tyson just shook his head and said I told you so. Justin finally got back in the match as Zayn bounced him off the ropes, he held on and than took Sami down with a clothesline and followed up with a stiff kick before covering him for a two and than commercial break! Back from the break, and we see Gabriel is still controlling Zayn with some stiff strikes and follows up with a Spinning Kick, connecting right on the jaw of Zayn that only gives him a two count. Justin does not let Zayn take a break as he picks him and and hits him with and under hook suplex and than floats over to lock in a chicken wing, before covering him for a two again. Justin now connection with some heavy strikes onto the skull of Zayn on the ropes. Sami begins to fight back landing some heavy strikes of his own before Gabriel sweeps him off his feet, sending Zayn face first into the canvas, but once again only for a two count! Justin seems to be getting frustrated as he forces Zayn up and once again hits him with some heavy strikes to the face and also connecting with some Knife Edge Chops to the chest! Gabriel bounces Zayn off the ropes and Sami counters into a clothesline and begins to take it to Gabriel before taking him down with a drop kick. Once Justin is back to his feet Sami hits him with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count! As Sami tries to get Justin to his feet, Gabriel hits a jaw breaker that sends Zayn back into the turnbuckle. Gabriel runs at him with a forearm but Zayn caught him and landed The Exploder Suplex! Sami than backed up into the corner across from Gabriel and ran at him with The Helluva Kick, but Justin moved and leaped at Zayn. Sami got out of the way but Justin landed on the second turnbuckle and lept off it to land a kick right on the jaw of Zayn for a two! Gabriel goes for a German Suplex but Sami gets his elbow in, but Gabriel ducks the other one and lifts him up into the potion of a Whit Noise, but Gabriel instead drops Zayn neck right on to his knee, but once again Sami kicks out. Gabriel than hits a springboard moonsault but once again Zayn kicks out. Gabriel now frustrated hits Zayn with a back breaker that sets him up for the 450 Splash! Gabriel climbs to the top turnbuckle but Zayn is now up and the two begin to battle on the top rope, until Gabriel as no choice but to jump over Sami. Gabriel ruses over to Sami, but Zayn catches him off guard and hits a reverse Russian Leg Sweep, before locking in the Koji Clutch  to force Justin Gabriel to tap out!

Winner Sami Zayn

Grade – B+, Once the match ended, Tyson got in the ring to check on Gabriel. Zayn looked over at Tyson, but the second Zayn turned his head Tyson jumped him from behind and started stomping on Zayn. Gabriel got to his feet and asked Tyson what he was doing before Kidd talked him into kicking Zayn. Both Tyson and Gabriel began to beat down on Sami until the NXT Champion, Adrian Neville raced to his rescue! Gabriel and Sami put on the match of the night tonight, but let’s be honest there wasn’t much competition tonight! Justin does not prove Tyson wrong, but it seemed like the two of joined sides once again. I have no problem with this! I felt that Kidd and Gabriel made a great team before Tyson was injured. The only thing I wonder is if they will challenge for the NXT Tag Titles and maybe even become an official team of the WWE. One thing my gut is telling me, is that Neville may defend his tile in a Fatal Four Way against Zayn, Kidd and Gabriel! and that’s a a match I believe we all can get excited about!

Superstar of the Night – Tyson Kidd

Tyson may not have stepped into the ring tonight, but he didn’t have to! The show seemed to revolve around him tonight! From interrupting Justin earlier in the night, to his interview with Renee Young and of course to him ending the show beating down on Zayn along while Gabriel helped! Kidd has quickly become one of the top heels in NXT and is also becoming one of the more entertaining stars on the roster, and now with a potential new tag team partner with Justin Gabriel! Tyson Kidd may find himself wearing Tag Team Gold pretty soon and maybe even the NXT World title if he Fatal Four Way prediction is correct!

If you have any suggestions for films/TV/Games/Music for me to review, drop me a comment! Remember: Like Media In Review @ https://www.facebook.com/MediaInReview?ref=hl Follow Media in Review @ https://twitter.com/Media_In_Review.

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