
Singer Andrea Ramolo Releases Dance Remix of Latest Single “Italian Summer” by Nick Fiorucci

As a musician you can be inspired by many different sources to create your music, but there are a few common themes. On our latest peek into the indie world we are checking out a remix of Andrea Ramolo’s “Italian Summer” by Nick Fiorucci. Ramolo is no stranger to exploring the source behind her music, as you can ask her straight up and she’ll tell you. She creates music out of chaos and often misery. Quite a dark statement, it’s also one she laughs about because it all works out in the end. With six albums under her belt, four solos and two with the duo Scarlett Jane, Ramolo has already explored typical themes as heartache and the complexity of relationships. However, the next album in the pipeline, Quarantine Dream, explores the biggest break up of them all, the year 2020 and COVID-19’s effects on humanity.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love men, but I made the decision you need to be the change. The music industry is a man’s world; there aren’t hundreds of women coming out of the woodwork because we haven’t been given the opportunities. I have worked with really good men, but this is an opportunity to start the shift. It has to start with us women hiring women.” Andrea Ramolo

“We cry together, we share secrets. It’s so intimate. We’ve been helping each other both musically and emotionally get through really hard times and become so close. I couldn’t have done this lockdown thing without them. I was getting so excited and fired up to work with women in leadership roles. Even talking about music with women was more inspiring than my experiences have been with males.” – Andrea Ramolo

What makes Quarantine Dreams interesting, besides being a relative departure from Ramolo’s more traditional sound, is that the majority of the album is made by only women. While there are a few male musicians on the individual tracks, Ramolo siezed the production as a means to make a statement and be the change she wants to be in the world. “Italian Summer” is the latest single to come off of Quarantine Dreams and features Ramolo’s blend of folk and blues to lure the listener into a state of null (feel free to listen to the original here). However, producer Nick Fiorucci has entered the fray and dropped a remix of the folksy single that completely transforms the track. Stripping away the folk instrumentals for an electronic music framework, this “Italian Summer” remix utilizes the surreal and almost eerie elements of Ramolo’s vocal performance to create a sensual yet provoking dance gem.

Make sure you check out Nick Fiorucci’s remix of “Italian Summer” on Soundcloud below!

Need more Andrea Ramolo? Follow on socials!

Andrea Ramolo

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Brandon Stuhr

Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more "on" version of me.

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