Monteal’s Madelline Spreads A Special Message in New Single “On A Different Wave!”
When you have limited tool at your disposal, you learn to adapt and improvise. This week’s dive into the indie-pop we are checking out “On A Different Wave” from artists Madelline. Hailing out of Connecticut but finding her new headquarters in Montreal, Madelline has been hard at work prepping this upcoming release. Struggling to keep a positive mindset while locked up due to quarantine, Madelline spent three months in almost solitude hard at work at keeping productive. After snagging her own studio, Madelline completely switched up her music production process, optimizing it to make the best music she possibly can. This upcoming EP, as well as today’s single “On A Different Wave”, were even mixed over Zoom by one of her talented musical partners!
Essentially a tease for her upcoming Noise Complaint EP, “On A Different Wave!” gives the listener a bit of insight into Madelline’s outlook on the world. A blend of elements from both current indie and anti-pop genres, Madelline transformed “On A Different Wave!” into a message she is willing to stand by. The track serves as a classy way to say “Fuck you” to anyone who drags her down, not letting her achieve her full potential. It has been quite a long time since we resonated with a message like that in a long time. Keep following Madelline so you can catch her Noise Complaint EP when it drops soon!
Make sure you check out the music video for “On A Different Wave!’ on YouTube!
Need more Madelline? Follow on socials!
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.