NXT with Steven Pehm

Extreme Rules 2014 – He’s Got the Whole World, In His Hands!

Hello my friends and welcome to the 2014 edition of WWE’s Extreme Rules! Tonight our advertised main events are John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt in a Steel Cage Match, Evolution vs. The Shield and Daniel Bryan defends his WWE Championship against Kane! Will John Cena end The Cult Like following of Bray Wyatt, or will Wyatt complete his mission and bring out the monster inside of John Cena? Will The Shield be able to overcome Evolution, or will The Game and company prove everything they said to be true? and of course will Daniel Bryan be able to overcome the monster that is Kane? or will The Big Red Machine win his second WWE Championship! Let’s find out!

Extreme Rules Pre-Show

WeeLC Match

Hornswoggle vs. El Torito

It is know time for our WeeLC match, and before anyone is introduced we have some special people out there. We have a midget referee and a midget ring announcer! Along with our new ref and announcer we have a new announce team! joining JBl, Cole and The King on commentary tonight is Micro Cole, JBElf and Jerry “The King” Smaller! Out first is Los Matadores and El Torito, after they come out Three Man Band and Hornswoggle make their way to the ring. The bell rings and the two begin to swing at each other! Torito gets in control by taking Swoggle down with a Hurricarana, and shortly after we are treated with a commercial break, but once we are back we see The Matadores and 3MB trading blows, but the band is able to take them out, and Torito was all by himself as Swoggle began to beat down on him! We saw Swoggle call the shots as he had 3MB set up a Mini Table and ladder! He also had Heath Slater hold Torito still has he swung at him with the mini steel chair, but Torito ducked and the chair connected with Slater’s gut and sent him off the apron into a bunch of tables! McIntyre and Mahal forced Torito to the top of the ladder, as Hornswoggle looked to toss him off the mini ladder through the mini tables, but Los Matadores got back up and lifted Jinder up onto their shoulders as Torito smashed Swoggle’s face into the ladder and jumped over him onto Jinder and took him, Mahal, and Los Matadores down. All 4 men went through table and ladders! Hornswoggle was not down with Torito as he had Drew pick him up and put him on a regular table. He than demanded McIntyre the jump to the outside onto Torito. As Drew jumped over the ropes, Torito moved out of the way and Drew went through the table by himself. Torito than grabbed a mini steel chair and went to hit Slater, but accidentally hit Hornswoggle! He tan unfolded the chair and slammed Slater’s face into it! To end the match El Torito did a springboard leap of the ring ropes, onto Hornswoggle sending him through a mini table to pick on the win!

Winner – El Torito

Rating – 6\10: A lot of people were not looking forward to this match, but I actually was! I looked at it as something different. Down in Mexico where El Torito hails from, midget wrestling is actually a pretty big thing down there, and El Torito was one of the most popular stars! Maybe WWE can have their own midget division, or maybe not! Despite the fact that Torito and Hornswoggle put on an entertaining match, the WWE still made a joke out of it! and while it was amusing! I do not want a Midget Division, if its always going to be a joke! I do think it was a clever idea to get Los Matadores and 3MB involved in the match as well! I really enjoyed this match, and hope maybe we get to see more of this from the WWE!

Extreme Rules!

Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro W/Paul Heyman vs. Jack Swagger W/Zeb Colter

We open up the official show with an Elimination Triple Threat Match! At Wrestlemania 30 Cesaro won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and ended his partner ship with Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger. The night after Mania Cesaro, was no longer a Zeb Colter guy, he became a Paul Heyman guy!  All three of these superstars were involved in the tournament for the Number One Contendership for the Intercontinental Championship! Van Dam beat Cesaro in the tourney and declined an offer from Zeb Colter. Swagger and Cesaro cost Van Dam his match against Wade Barrett in the Intercontinental Title Tourney! And now the three finally get their hands on each other! First out was Van Dam to a nice crowd reaction and than was Swagger and Colter and finally Heyman! Heyman speaks on the mic before he introduces Cesaro! Heyman speaks how WWE got it right and had one night dedicated to Extreme! The crowd begins to chant ECW at Heyman, Heyman began to talk about how glad he is that he will always be remembered, and as it seemed like he was going to say ECW, he quickly turns it around by saying he will always be remembered for Brock Lesnar, his client ending The Undertaker’s undefeated streak at Wrestlemania, he tan introduces Cesaro and the two head down to the ring together. Of course this being a triple threat match it means all three men will be in the ring at the same time. It appeared that The former Real Americans were going to work together early on against Van Dam, but RVD being the more experienced of the two was able to stay in control of the match despite the early team up. Swagger and Cesaro finally started to take it to Van Dam together, but that did not last to long as the former partners took it to each other! We saw all three men hit each other with many hard hitting moves. At one point Van Dam hit Cesaro with a sunset flip and Cesaro landed on top of Swagger! Cesaro manged to suplex Suplex Swagger back into the ring from the Ring Apron, and after Swagger hit the canvas RVD flew and hit Jack with a Five Star Frog Splash to eliminate him from the match!

RVD eliminates Jack Swagger via pin fall

With Jack Swagger eliminated, this Triple Threat match, becomes a one on one match! We have seen these two face off before during The Intercontinental Championship Tournament! Van Dam was able to pick up the victory over Cesaro that night, and admittedly they did not put on a good match that night! Tonight they look to out do their previous match! Both superstars have already taken damage, but they were holding nothing back! Van Dam pulled out his Extreme side tonight. We saw Van Dam hit classic moves such as The Spinning Leg Drop from the ring apron to the outside to Cesaro who was hanging over the barricade, we saw Van Dam pull out an impressive Rolling Thunder, it definitely had to be the best one I’ve seen from him! Cesaro took the damage, but he also dished it out to Van Dam! At one point Van Dam pulled out a Trash Can and looked to use it against Cesaro, but The Swiss Superman his a Baseball slide right into the Trash Can and sent it right into the gut of RVD! The Trash Can played a part at the end of the match. RVD threw it at Cesaro, and he was able to catch it but this set him up for the Van Damninator! This set Cesaro up for a Five Star Frog Splash! RVD set the Trash Can on top of Cesaro and went for the Frog Splash, but Cesaro moved out of the way, but left the weapon there and Van Dam landed right on top of it! Cesaro forced Van Dam up to his feet and hit The Neutralizer on top of the Trash Can to win the match by pin fall!

Winner – Cesaro

Rating – 8\10: What an opening match! All three men looked great here tonight! Sadly Swagger was the first one to go, and me being a fan of Swagger and Colter it sucks to see him go first, but it took to hard hitting moves to take him out! Cesaro and Van Dam made everyone forget about their sloppy match on Raw a few weeks ago with their brief one on one match! I was also glad to see RVD pull out the Extreme! With the PPV being called Extreme Rules and RVD being the king of Extreme, it just made sense! even if it was just a Trash Can! A great opening match here, but I’m a little worried for all three men! I don’t see where they go from here. I’m sure WWE will come up with something for Cesaro, but as for RVD and Swagger, I expect them to be in limbo for awhile!

Backstage Segment W/ Daniel Bryan (c) & Stephanie McMahon

We see backstage the Doctor is checking on Bryan, when Steph comes in and ask for a minute alone with Bryan. Mrs. McMahon explains that she can’t control Kane, and she is worried for Bryan and tells him there is away out of it, and he Bryan needs to do is Vacate the WWE World Heavyweight Championship! Bryan tells Steph to get out and Steph responds by telling Bryan, after tonight he won’t be WWE World Champion, but he will be Kane’s Bitch!

Alexander Rusev W/Lana vs. R-Truth & Xavier Woods

Lana comes out first and states she is dedicating this match to Vladimir Putin! Rusev comes out next and the two walk down to the ring! Out next is the team of Woods & R-Truth! Usually Truth & Woods are having fun and rapping when they come down the ring, but as Truth said on the mic, there will be no rapping tonight and things are getting serious! Before the match even begun, before both men could get into the ring, Rusev hit Woods with a Super Kick sending him out of the ring and also took Truth off the apron as well! Rusev went outside of the ring and began to beat down on Woods. Rusev hit Woods with a HUGE slam outside of the ring, and before the match could even begin, Rusev already took Woods out! The match finally began when Truth told the ref he was fine, and the ref was able to hold Rusev back long enough, but the second the bell rang, Rusev went right after Truth and beat him down. Truth did mange to fight back, and even took Rusev down. For the first time in Rusev’s career he was almost defeated! Lana almost had a fit when that happened! but after that pin happened it was over for Truth! Rusev began to beat down on Truth again! The final moments of the match happened when Rusev hit Truth with a HUGE slam! and followed up with The Accolade! to force R-Truth to tap out!

Winner – Alexander Rusev

Rating – 6\10: I’m not going to lie! I wasn’t even remotely excited for this match! It was a handicap match, that mimicked Ryback of early last year! but this wasn’t a one sided match and it wasn’t even a handicap match! I thought it was clever and really interesting that Rusev took Woods out before the match could even begin! I’m also glad that it wasn’t one sided, the fact that Truth got some offense in as well and even piked up a two count on him, it really added to the match! Rusev should of won here and he did! The Bulgarian Brute continues his dominance tonight! I’m still excited to see where his career goes! Before I move on though, I do wanna talk briefly about Xavier Woods! Just like Rusev, Woods is still in his rookie year in the WWE, and came over from NXT not to long ago! Its sad to see how far Woods has fallen already, and I really hope things do turn around for him, because Woods could be a great mid card, or tag team if you just let him!

Backstage Interview W/ Evolution 

Renee Young is backstage with all three members of Evolution. She asks them about their match against The Shield later tonight, and what they have done to prepare. Triple H answers by saying the Shield believe that Evolution’s egos is what will cost them the match. The Game admits that all three of them have massive egos before he tells us that they are well deserves. He than goes around and builds up both Batista and Orton before asking Young is she knows why he is called The Cerebral Assassin, she ask why and Triple H responds by telling her that she will find out tonight. Than Orton gets on the mic and states Triple H was right when he said you either adapt or perish, and tonight The Shield will perish and you can believe that! The Interview ends when all three mock The Shield by putting their fist together in the center just like their opponents do!

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

Big E (c) vs. Bad News Barrett

WWE did something right with The Intercontinental Championship! Along with the United States Championship, The IC title has been losing it’s prestige over the years! but when WWE announced the Number One Contenders Tournament! Barrett did not have any momentum, but that all changed when he finally made his return to the ring and went on to defeat Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus and RVD to win the tournament! He know faces Big E, a man who the WWE Universe at one point thought could bring the prestige back to the title, but sadly he ended up being like all the rest! Barrett came down first and told the Universe that he had some bad news! He talked about this new disease in America and stated we would all soon fall to it, just like Big E would fall to him tonight! Big E was out next and he was Booed, and not by a few people! Majority of the Universe booed Big E tonight! Even throughout the match. There wasn’t to many memorable moments in this match up, but it was still good! These two men went out there and put on a hard hitting battle! We saw Big E hit many of his hard hitting strikes and almost put away Barrett with The Big Ending, but Barrett manged to kick out! Bad News as well dished out his fair share of offense as well! We saw Barrett hit Big E with many of his strikes as well as his old finishing move, Waste Land, but Big E managed to kick out! It looked like Bad News was about to win as he went for The Bull Hammer, but Big E moved out of the way and ran against the ropes, and looked like he was ready to take Barrett down, but Bad News jumped into the air and hit The Bull Hammer to knock Big E out and pick up a three count and his fourth Intercontinental Championship!

Winner & New Champion – Bad News Barrett

Rating – 7\10: It’s great too see Barrett back in the ring, and he is really over with The Universe! Instead of cheering the fan favorite, Big E, the universe chose to Boo him and cheer for The Heel, Wade Barrett! Even though there wasn’t many highlights of the match, that does not take away from this match! These two still went out there and put on a great match! and now the Bad News Barrett is the new Champ, I’ll be interested to see if the title is now elevated! I hope we do get to see a feud between these two! I think these two can elevate each other, and if Barrett continues to stay and become more popular with The Universe! He may find himself in the main event after he drops the strap!

Evolution (Triple H, Randy Orton & Batista)  vs. The Shield (Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose (c) & Seth Rollins)

Before they come out we are shown a video package for this match. The Video highlighted The Shield’s dominance, the re birth of Evolution and of course the rivalry between the two team! The Video was really well down and really got me even more excited for this match! First out is Evolution, and I don’t think Batista got the memo as both Orton and HHH wore Black to the ring, but Batista wore Red! Next out is The Shield, and they don’t take their time as they rushed to the ring. Before the match began, the two teams began to brawl, and The Shield tossed each member of Evolution out of the ring! The match finally began and Seth Rollins and Triple H started out first! In the early parts of the match we saw both teams take it to each other! both teams had their moments of dominance! Evolution beat down on The Shield, The Shield beat down on Evolution! Once we starting getting into the mid match, is when things began to break down! We saw the teams brawl outside of the ring, Reigns attempted to spear Triple H, but The Game moved out the way and Reigns went right into the steel steps! Evolution began to take control over the match, as they singled out Ambrose and took turns beating down on him, Ambrose did mange to tag in Rollins, but that did not change anything as Evolution still took turns beating down on Rollins. Things began to break down though when The Shield started getting back into the match! They did more daring moves and we saw both teams trade blows and honestly it just felt like a brawl! All three members of The Shield were in the ring together and they lifted Batista up and hit him with The Triple Threat Power Bomb! Ambrose went on the outside and began to brawl with Randy Orton, while Rollins attempted to  land a suicide dive onto The Game, but HHH moved out of the way and Rollins went into the barricade! Triple H got into the ring, and lifted Reigns up and hit him with The Pedigree! Triple tried to roll Batista over Reigns, but Ambrose raced into the ring and began to brawl with Triple H and the two went over the announce table, while this is happened Reigns managed to kick out of the pin, but Orton quickly got back in the ring and hit Reigns with an RKO! Rollins got back in and took Orton outside of the ring! Rollins and Orton battles on the outside and Triple H joined in! Orton and HHH beat down on Rollins in the crowd, but Ambrose goes running across the announce table and jumped onto both Triple H and Orton! All Four men battled outside in the crowd! At one point Orton and The Game tossed Ambrose down a set of steel stairs, and the two continued to beat down on Ambrose, until Rollins jumped for the row above them and landed on all three men! Both Batista and Reigns are back up in the ring and we see the two begin to fight! Roman managed to hit Batista with The Superman Punch. Reigns let out his primal scream and ran full force at Batista to hit him with his version of The Spear to pick up the three count for his team!

Winners – The Shield

Rating – 9\10: The Match of the Night! All six of these men went out their and contributed to this match! Both teams dominated at some point and all men looked great here tonight! and I have to say this. My two favorite wrestlers are Triple H and Dean Ambrose! I have been a huge fan of The Game ever since his first return from injury back in 2001, and I have been following Dean Ambrose for his entire career, even before he was hired by WWE and went by the name Jon Moxly! So seeing those two fight for a few moments was just a dream come true for me! There were many great highlights in this match, and I’m sure it will be nominated for Match of the Year! but now that The Shield won, is it over? I doubt it, because I’m sure Triple, Batista and Orton aren’t to happy about losing!

Steel Cage Mach

Bray Wyatt W/The Wyatt Family vs. John Cena

Before the match starts we are shown a video package for this match. The Video highlighted Bray Wyatt! We saw highlights from Wyatt’s and Cena’s match from Wrestlemania 30! and we were also treated to the highlights leading up to this event. Bray was the main focus, as I don’t believe we once saw Cena get the advantage in this build up! The video ended with Bray and the creepy kids from this past Monday on Raw singing “He’s Got the Whole World, In His Hands.” Out first was John Cena who received his mixed reaction as usual, than it was Bray and company! Both superstars are surrounded by the Steel Cage and they begin to take it to each other! For the in ring action, there was not many memorable spots! Honestly this match was mostly Cena! We watch John beat down on Wyatt and than attempt to leave the Steel Structure, but of course both Eric Rowan and Like Harper made sure Cena could not escape! We saw Rowan and Harper stand below Cena, climb up the cage and force him back in and even test their strength against Cena as he tried to escape from the door! At one point early on we even got to see a double team! Wyatt held Cena against the Steel Cage, as Rowan ran and jumped into the part of the cage Cena was against!  Cena looked like he was going to win many times, especially when he locked in the STF, but his mistakes came back to haunt him as Luke Harper (who he pulled inside the cage earlier in the match) broke up the hold! Cena did mange to take out each member of The Wyatt Family, and looked like he was about to win by walking out of the door, but the lights went off and we here He’s Got the Whole World playing over the speakers in a distorted voice. Once the lights come on we see a young boy standing in front of Cena  singing the same song in the same voice. Wyatt takes advantage of this as he grabs Cena and pulls him back in the hit Sister Abigail! Bray than walks out of the door to win the match!

Winner – Bray Wyatt

Rating – 6\10: The rivalry between these two have been great, I just wish the ring work was better. I’m not saying both of their matches were bad, but for a rivalry like this, I feel like the matches should of been far better, especially tonight? I was expecting Cena to beat down on Wyatt, but instead we got to see him dominate Bray for the majority of the match and attempt to escape! Seriously that is all I can really remember about the in ring action. I did think it was interesting how Cena’s plan backfired on him. The reason these two were fighting inside the Steel was to keep Harper and Rowan out, but it didn’t work! The ending with that little boy singing was clever and unexpected! Even though Bray won here tonight, it feels like he lost to me! I thought his mission was to bring out the monster in Cena? Tonight he failed to do that! and even though Cena technically won this match many times tonight, Wyatt is the one that comes away with the victory!

WWE Divas Championship Match

Tamina Snuka vs. Paige (c)

WWE finally gives the audience a break! After having two of a three main events take place, we are given the filler match! Paige defends her championship for the first time against Tamina Snuka! Early on Paige used her speed against Tamina as she stayed away from her strength and even outsmarted her several times! Snuka manged to get back in the match as Paige climbed the turnbuckle and got hit with a Super Kick, sending her outside of the ring! Tamina and Paige brawled outside, and at one point The Divas Champ attempted a Hurricarana, but Tamina showed of her strength when she turned the move around on Paige and swung our champion into the barricade! Things began to look bad for our champ as Tamina began to dominate! Paige showed off her resiliency as she kicked out of every pin attempt! Our Champion managed to get back into the match in the late game and even forced Tamina to tap out after she locked in The Scorpion Crosslock!

Winner & Still Divas Champion – Paige

Rating – 5\10: I feel like this match was rushed, and honestly it probably was. I know both Tamina and Paige are way better than what we saw tonight. They put on a fun match, but it could of been so much better! Paige in her PPV debut, still manages to come away with the victory, but I can’t say I’m happy with the way the WWE is handling her!

Backstage Segment W/ The Wyatt Family

Bray tells the Little Johnny AKA the Young Boy who helped him win the Steel Cage Match. Bray brags about how his word will be heard and ask Johnny if he knows what is next. Little Johnny replies by saying “Follow The Buzzards”

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Extreme Rules Match

Kane vs. Daniel Bryan (c)

Before the match begins we are shown a Video Package for this match! The Video highlights The feud between these two and The Monster Side of Kane! We are shown Bryan’s win at Mania, and we are shown the destructive path, that Kane has left behind him ever since he put his mask back on! Out first is our Champion Daniel Bryan, and it we did not have to wait long for Kane to come out or even for this match to begin, because Bryan did not wait for Kane, he met him halfway down the entrance way! The two began to brawl before the match began, and even after the match began! Kane did get the advantage over Bryan as he definitely embraced The Extreme part of this match! Kane went for many dangerous moves on Bryan, including a Tombstone Piledriver on top of the Steel Steps, but lick enough for Bryan he managed to get out! It wasn’t long before these two took it to the backstage, and this is were the match really picked up! Kane really wanted to hurt Bryan tonight. We saw Kane throw what looked like a Laptop at Bryan, Bryan’s luck continued as he not only dodged the laptop, but moved out of the way before it began to spark since Kane threw it into water. The two battled to the parking lot and Kane tossed Bryan on top of a car and even threw at keg at Bryan that went through the windshield, when Bryan managed to move out of the way! Bryan found a Crowbar in the open trunk of another car and knocked Kane out backstage with it. The only way Bryan could win though is in the ring, so he needed to come up with a way to get Kane back to the ring! Bryan rolled Kane onto a wooden base that was on a Forklift! Bryan than started and drove the Forklift to ringside and rose the base as high as he could before dumping Kane back into the ring! Bryan than climbed up the Forklift and hit a jumping headbutt from the top of the Lift! Kane managed to kick out of a close pin, but Daniel managed to lock in The Yes Lock. Kane fought out of the submission hold but crawling out of the ring, The Champion ran at Kane and flew through the ropes to hit a Suicide Diva on Kane, but The Monster caught Bryan in mid air around the through, before he lifted him up and Chokeslamed him through the announce table! While Bryan laid there on the ground, Kane began to set up another table! The Monster than poured Gasoline on the table an lit it on fire! Kane and Bryan fought on the ring apron, Kane tried to Chokeslam Bryan through the flaming table, but Daniel used the ropes like a sling shot to knock Kane off the apron and through the table on fire. Two men quickly used the Fire Extinguishers to put the flames out, Kane stumbled himself back into the ring, but the second he got him Bryan, who was waiting on him ran full force at his opponent and hit him with The Running Knee!

Winner & Still WWE World Heavyweight Champion – Daniel Bryan

Rating – 7\10: Wow! These two went to the extreme! I never thought I would see a Table on Fire in the PG Era of WWE, but we did! This match reminded be a lot of the Hardcore matches we got to see in The Attitude Era! Kane was the perfect choice for Bryan’s first title defense given their history. Former Tag Team Champions together as Team Hell No! Just last year in this same arena they teamed up together to defend their tag titles against Dolph Ziggler and Big E at Wrestlemania 29! and to see them now feuding is just great! The build up for this feud has been slow, but entertaining! I do get the feeling these two are not done with each other, since as Bryan was walking up the entrance way, Kane got up and made flames come up from the ground behind Bryan!


Superstar of the Night – Roman Reigns


Tonight all three members deserve this award, but it’s The Superstar of the night, not Superstars of the night! The Shield put on the best match tonight against Evolution! We saw Dean save the match many times, and we saw Rollins put his body on the line for the team, but at the end of they day, it was Roman Reigns who hit Batista with The Superman Punch! It was Roman Reigns who hit Batista with The Spear! and it was Roman Reigns who pinned Batista to pick up the win. There is no doubt in my mind that these three men can become big stars in the WWE, and tonight they looked like it! I don’t think the feud between those 6 men is over, but I do think that once The Shield is finished with Evolution that we will see big things from Reigns! Tonight was the first step of many for Roman Reigns!


If you have any suggestions for films/TV/Games/Music for me to review, drop me a comment! Remember: Like Media In Review @ https://www.facebook.com/MediaInReview?ref=hl Follow Media in Review @ https://twitter.com/Media_In_Review.

Feel free to check out my YouTube channel where I do Let’s Plays!-http://www.youtube.com/user/OmgWtfLolFtwBrb


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