Entourage: Gen X Rides Again
Hello everybody! Today we have the not at all necessary film to the Entourage HBO series.
DIRECTED: Doug Ellin
STARRING: Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara, Jeremy Piven
GENRE: Comedy
YEAR: 2015
COUNTRY: United States
The film picks up where the series left off, chronicling the continuing career of movie star Vincent Chase and his entourage of friends. New studio head Ari Gold bankrolls Vince’s directorial debut with a $100 million budget, but when it goes $15 million over, Ari must secure financing from Texas billionaire Larsen McCredle and his son Travis. Vince continues his carefree lifestyle saying if the film fails they can just move back to Queens.
Lets just say, I definitely didn’t go into the Entourage film with very high expectations. I mean, look at almost any film based off of a television series, the majority of them are complete garbage. While Entourage wasn’t horrible, it is essentially just a much longer HBO episode. Jeremy Piven steals the show as always, as our much beloved/hated Ari Gold. It was nice to see that not only Vince was successful, so I have to give character development (since the series at least) a plus in my book. Also, cameos galore. I counted about 30 celebrities that I knew. How did you do?
Entourage unfortunately didn’t blow me out of the water (like I expected that to happen). Like I said above, it felt like just an extra long HBO episode. They didn’t really mix up the Entourage formula, pretty much sticking with the same. I wanted a little something new, which Ari Gold barely delivered. While I like Adrian Grenier as an actor, he doesn’t really hit home as Vince for me anymore. Anyways, the film wasn’t completely horrible. Entourage will be Entourage.
- Jeremy Piven performance.
- Character development since series.
- Cameos!
- Just an extra long episode.
- Nothing majorly new.
- Adrian Grenier no longer does it for me.
SCORE: 6.5 / 10
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.
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