The more and more we explore the indie-pop world, the more we find artists that are trying to change how pop music is perceived. Today we are diving back into this indie-pop world with Stick Around and Find Out, a brand new EP from Kandle. Growing up in BC with her father Neil Osborne, Kandle was able to experience the music industry from a rather unique perspective. Determined to move against the fray, Kandle made it clear that she has no desire to create disposable ear candy. She has no plans to chase playlist placements, as she simple just wants to tell her story.
Her latest project, Untitled, is her fourth venture into the studio to craft her own variation of magic. Recorded and mastered amidst the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, Kandle was determined to craft Untitled in the most minimalist way possible. Thanks to her dedication to the craft, Kandle actually had the majority of the album already written by the time they were due in the studio.
Kandle initially showed up on our radar back in May, but now she is back with her brand new EP Stick Around and Find Out. Produced in a time where Kandle was struggling with homelessness and legal battles draining her accounts, this EP means everything for Kandle in a streamlined version of her style and sound. Stick Around and Find Out exudes Kandle’s confidence and self-worth, showing just how far she has come as an artist with an optimistic road in front of her. Finally breaking free from the world of contracts and strict music labels, Kandle is ready to start fresh and independent once again.
The EP’s main track, “Spell” Ft, Youth, highlights this newfound independence and lets Kandle run as wild as she can. Youth is just one of the few talented artists to join Kandle on this venture, as Kandle took a different approach to the EP’s creation. Kandle traveled to many different cities in North American and the United Kingdom, writing a track in one day with a talented artist in each city. Throughout the EP, Kandle’s blues-inspired pop serves as the glue that keeps each track together, letting each song breathe on its own but flow seamlessly together. If you have a love for unique pop music that puts the artist’s full range of talent, check out Stick Around and Find Out as well as the rest of Kandle’s discography, you won’t be disappointed.
Make sure you check out the Stick Around and Find Out EP on Spotify below and on Soundcloud!
Need more Kandle? Follow on socials!
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.