
No Budge: Zero Budget Films

Hey all!

We actually have something new for you all to feast your eyes upon this week. Recently I was contacted by a fan of the site and decided to toss them a little promo. Young friends and filmmakers Jimmy Kustes and Tim Morton had a dream to make all of their film ideas a reality. The problem? No money. Thus No Budge was born.

The idea behind No Budge is to make the majority of their film ideas with absolutely zero money to back them. What an admirable task you might say. So far they have released over 30 films, just like their newest film “No Cops”. “No Cops” has been pieced together over years of casual filming into create a unique experience.

“The arrival of an inconsiderate house guest. Tim offers Jimmy a place to stay after his brother dies, but he quickly becomes a nuisance. He drags Tim into various schemes like selling other people’s garbage, and scamming fast food places with expired coupons. On top of that, Tim hasn’t seen his girlfriend in days, and worse she may be running around with another man. All Tim can do to keep his sanity is watch his favorite TV show, New Cops, and drift off into sleep where he reigns as President. When his real-life problems begin to reflect in his dreams, he hires a private detective to pin down the philandering man who’s stealing his girl.

Directed by Timothy Morton, who starred in Men Go To Battle, an off-kilter micro-budget Civil War movie that premiered last year at Tribeca (& full disclosure a close friend of mine, whom I have worked with several times, see Team Picture), New Cops could be considered a follow-up to Morton’s 2011 poignant (though equally no-fi) documentary, Scattered Junk about the aftermath of a friend’s suicide. New Cops has a similar scruffiness and mini-DV aesthetic, but where that film was the commemoration of a real life, New Cops is a toast to absurdity and fake logic.”

You can check out the No Budge’s entire catalog over at their main website at

If you have any suggestions for films/TV/Games/Music/Anime for me to review, drop me a comment!

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All check out my lengthier video game reviews over at Nerd Bacon Games.


Brandon Stuhr

Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more "on" version of me.

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