It’s That Time Of Year, Snails Releases Annual "Snailed It!" Mix Vol. 6
Even though we thought that as the year ended, a certain producer would slow down in order to hit 2019 hard. We were wrong. Kicking off this time we are checking out “SNAILEDIT! Mix Vol. 6” by the ever-enthusiastic Snails over on Slugz Music. Snails is clearly a performer that has no limits, as he has been able to garner support from powerhouses such as Diplo and Skrillex for his continuously developing “vomit-step” style. While Snails has been busy trying to find a home for his style, even jumping over to Dim Mak and Monstercat, Snails was quietly launching Slugz with a bang. Why struggle while looking for a home and not create one yourself.
The latest in his annual mix series, Snails aims to blow everyone away with a massive track list that will easily trump his previous volumes. “SNAILEDIT!” Mix Vol. 6 contains a total of 35 tracks, with 17 completely unreleased from the vomitstep master and his crew. Each track is entirely bass-centric (we couldn’t expect anything else) and hits your hard and fast over the entire 35 minutes. Who else collaborated on the mix, besides Snails? Well, you’ll have to figure it out, as Snails is hiding the identity of all of the fellow collaborators. We can only guess that there is a solid mix of rising stars and powerhouses, as previous mixes have included stars such as Dillon Francis and Skrillex.
Make sure you go and check out the entire mix over on Soundcloud!
Need more Snails? Follow on socials!
Slugz Music

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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.