Season Four Archer Finale: Sealab 2021!
Hello everybody! I know it has been a couple of reviews now that I have not reviewed any films, but believe me, I have plenty of them to review. I will be back to them soon.
TITLE: SEA TUNT (S04E12, S04E13)
DIRECTOR: Adam Reed, Rick Cleaveland
YEAR: 2013
COUNTRY: United States
Hmm, what can I say about Archer? This show is absolutely fantastic. All throughout season 4 there have been some memorable moments, but the Sea Tunt has to be the best of the season. Finally we get to meet some new characters with more devious plans, and plenty of jokes about insurance fraud. Also plenty of Mallory drinking.
Pam is “Gay for The end of the world as we know it (TYOTWAWKI)”
What Season 4 as done best as there are constant references/inferences to other media as well as itself. Just like the Season 4 premiere’s collaboration between Archer and Bob’s Burgers, with have another unlikely collaboration, Archer and Sealab 2021. While I have seen only little of Sealab 2021, I did get most of the references hidden within in these episodes.
In Sea Tunt, we finally get to meet Cheryl/Carol/Krystal’s gross and disgusting brother Cecil (who is not as gross and disgusting person as you might think). Cecil is a philanthropist who has run himself into the ground with all the various philanthropies ($500 million spent). Cecil’s plan is to videotape the ISIS crew’s reactions to various questions about Cheryl so he can convince a judge that Cheryl is crazy, thus obtaining her half of the inheritance. Finally someone tries to get Cheryl’s money besides Mallory!
This also is the return of Archer’s most famous alter-ego/cover I.D. Chet Manley. This time is an Emmy award winning repoter/ nationally ranked kite surfer. Oh the ridiculous things Adam Reed can come up with. Just perform a quick Internet search to be suffice.
The entire second episode belongs to Jon Hamm. He is absolutely the best person for the job as the insane Captain Murphy, captain of Cecil’s sea lab. You can only figure what happens when Captain Murphy and Stirling Archer meet?
Have Archer fires the gun, the glass bursts and everybody almost dies. Except Captain Murphy, who hilariously dies by getting crushed by an off brand vending machine. By the way, Lana Kane is expecting and it isn’t Cyril’s! I don’t think it is Archer’s, but at least we have a story to look forward to in Season 5!
SCORE: 8.0 / 10 Stars

Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.