First Impressions: Ash vs Evil Dead
Hello everyone! Today we have the third entry in our First Impressions series. This time we are ready to tackle to newest addition to the Evil Dead franchise, Ash vs Evil Dead.
STARRING: Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana Delorenzo, Jill Marie Jones, Lucy Lawless
GENRE: Comedy Horror
YEAR: 2015
COUNTRY: United States
30 years after the events of Evil Dead, Ash is a loner, living a dull existence, still not able to come to grips with the events that started at the cabin. In the event of a deadite invasion Ash must attach his chainsaw and pick up his trusty boomstick one more time, all while finally coming to terms with his past.
Alright, I have been waiting for this series to come out for a long time. Starz was barely able to wet my whistle when the trailer was dropped and I watched the pilot with high expectations. From the opening beat I was ready to go, and glad to see that Bruce Campbell is still bringing his signature charm to the character. This new-generation Ash is still just as hilarious as the original, but this time bringing quite a bit of the Sam Axe charm that Bruce developed from his work in Burn Notice.
Overall did Ash vs The Evil Dead reach my expectations? No I don’t think so. I’m not exactly sure what I was hoping for, but it definitely wasn’t what I was expecting. Since the pilot mainly re-visted the main character, I felt that most of the supporting characters were left in the fray. Hopefully they will gain more attention in the following episodes, as their stories still grabbed my attention. All I can say is, definitely don’t take this series too seriously, as you will be severely disappointed. Regardless, as a fan of the Evil Dead series, I will continue to watch. Check back for a season roundup in a couple of months.
- Ash is better than ever.
- Main cast performance.
- Charm and over the top ridiculousness.
- Supporting characters.
- Don’t take series too seriously.
SCORE: 8/10
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.