Face It, You Need A Fresh Dose of Celtic-Punk, And Rockers The Dreadnoughts Will Solve Your “Problem”
It is about time we embrace one of our favorite subgenres of rock music that we don’t nearly cover enough at Modern Neon. On our latest peek into the rock world we are checking out “Problem”, the latest drop from The Dreadnoughts. The proclaimed “biggest band you’ve never heard of”, The Dreadnoughts is a Celtic-punk band that has already amassed over 80 million streams on Spotify during their career. Formed in the dirty backrooms of Toronto’s Ivanhoe Hotel back in 2006, The Dreadnoughts have been on a global bender introducing their unique style of Irish punk polka to the masses. With band members located all across North America, The Dreadnoughts have been incredibly busy throughout the pandemic crafting a brand new album whenever the creative juices flood gates opened.
“This song is about our love-hate-mostly-love-but-sometimes-really-hate relationship with Poland, a country we’ve toured many times. In particular, it’s about a winter tour we did where everything just kept breaking and going wrong, and we kept fighting it and raging against it until we realized that this was normal in Poland, and that you needed to just do what everyone else did: sit back, have a beer and a smoke, and say “to hell with it.” The Poles are amazing at this, it’s actually a really healthy attitude to have in a lot of situations. The song’s title comes from a word that means the same in English and Polish, and we quickly realized that we were going to hear it from our tour manager (who spoke no English) about 18 times a day. ‘Ah…’ he would say, his face scrunching up and worry-creasing his forehead… ‘Problem’.”
It has been a minute since we pushed play and almost immediately fell for a track due to nostalgia. The first official single off of The Dreadnoughts upcoming album Roll and Go, we can already tell that this project is going to be one that we are going to have to keep our eyes on long term. Primarily written by singer/guitarist Nicholas Smyth during the first wave of the pandemic in New York City while also caring for his newborn child, “Problem” has a certain flair to it that captures the energy of the time and channels it away…in this case at an entirely different country. Toeing the line between chaotically funny and a banger of a punk single, “Problem” is definitely worth checking out even if you just need a dose of chaos in your rotation. While “Problem” may just be the tip of the Roll and Go iceberg, we can’t wait to dive deep into this Celtic polka madness.
Make sure you check out “Problem” on Spotify below or on your favorite streaming platform!
Need more The Dreadnoughts? Follow on socials!
The Dreadnoughts
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.