Everything Fans Wanted, Snails Releases 7-Track "Slimeageddon" EP
At least we didn’t have to wait forever like we did for his last release. This time around we are checking out the brand new Slimeageddon EP, the latest EP from MiR seasoned visitor Snails over on his personal label Slugz Music. Snails is clearly a performer that has no limits, as he has been able to garner support from powerhouses such as Diplo and Skrillex for his continuously developing “vomit-step” style. While Snails has been busy trying to find a home for his style, even jumping over to Dim Mak and Monstercat, Snails was quietly launching Slugz with a bang. Why struggle while looking for a home and not create one yourself.
If we can definitely say one thing about Snails, he sure is hell good at teasing his “Vomitsquad” for plenty of new releases. While we have already heard almost half of the EP (since “Redline”, “Snailephant”, and “Magnets” have already been released), we were still plenty surprised to be thrown directly into the madness right on the intro track “RAVN”. Slimeageddon allows Snails the creative freedom to stretch his music muscles and draw from plenty of different sources of music, such as drawing from the modern metal scene in “Crank Bass”. Whether you are won over by the driving percussion, the completely acidic drop, or Snails stabbing you quietly with his synths…Snails will win you over somehow and you will join us in the “Vomitsquad”.
Make sure you check out the new Slimeaggedon EP on Spotify!
Need more Snails? Follow on socials!
Slugz Music

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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.