NXT with Steven Pehm

WWE NXT|5-15-14| Triple Threat!

Hello my friends and welcome to my review of May fifteenth’s edition of NXT! Tonight’s advertised Main Event is a Triple Threat Match for the Number One Contendership for the NXT Championship! After the events that took place last week after the battle royal, Tyler Breeze, Sami Zayn and Tyson Kidd all face each other in our main event to find out who will face our NXT World Champion, Adrian Neville at NXT: Takeover!

The Ascension (c) |Konner O’Brian & Rick Viktor| vs. Buddy Murphy and Elias Sampson.

There really isn’t a point to review this match! Once again a bunch of jobbers are thrown at at the champs! So let’s just make this short so I can get to my thoughts on this match! The Ascension wins the match after hitting The Fall of Man on Murphy to win the match.

Winners – The Ascension (c)

Rating – 5|10: I feel bad giving this match anything below a five. Konner and Viktor are very impressive performers! but there match are just becoming more and more predictable! I thought when I saw this new Tag Division forming, I got excited the finally The Ascension were going to get some challenges, but the other teams need time to develop so until than The Ascension still needs to look good! but week after week after week after week its the same thing! Konner and Viktor just dominating their opponents! William Regal said it best after the match, “I want to see The Ascension challenged.” and so do I, but if this is what I keep getting, than their ranking is going to keep getting lower and lower and I’m going to become uninterested! Luckily after the match, Konner picked up the microphone so let’s see what he has to say!

After Match Promo!

Konner grabs to mic and states that He and Viktor have mowed through everyone put in front of them, than Viktor grabbed the mic and simply said “Give Us Something New to Destroy!” and everything I just said, The Ascension agrees! Theme music plays in the background and we see Kalisto and El Local! El Local gets on the mic and states they have never faced them, but once they do the only thing The Ascension would hear is “Lucha, Lucha, Lucha”  as Kalisto said! So it looks like the new team of Luchadores is the number one contenders! I’m not sure how the match will be, but this is the closest thing to a challenge The Ascension has had! but just for future reference, I know they don’t have much of a choice, since Kalisto most likely only speaks Spanish, but to have El Local do the talking may be a mistake! I mean it’s pretty obvious that its Ricardo Rodriquez! Maybe a manger is best for them! But hopefully this is the challenge we have been looking for!

Backstage Interview W/Sami Zayn

Instead of Devin Taylor this time, instead a new interview named Veronica is in the back ready to interview one of the men who will be in the triple threat match tonight, Sami Zayn! She asks Zayn about the match tonight! Zayn talks about his past obsession with earning Cesaro’s respect, he even talks about how he failed to capture the NXT title at one point! Zayn points out that both Breeze and Kidd are at the top of the game right now, but Zayn says his new obsession is the NXT Title!

Round Two of the NXT Womens Championship Tournament.

Alexa Bliss vs. Charlotte W/Sasha Banks

Before we start this match off, it is announced that Tyler Breeze is in the building, but now we start Round Two of the tournament to crown our new NXT Womens Champion. The daughter of Ric Flair, Charlotte defeated Emma to earn her spot and the rookie, Alexa Bliss  upset former Divas Champion, Alicia Fox in her debut match! Now the two face each other off to determine who will challenge the winner of Sasha Banks and Natalya for the Womens Championship! Last week, despite being dominated by Fox, Bliss pulled out the upset win! One would think that her and Charlotte are on even levels, but if you were to think that, than you haven’t been watching! Charlotte has been very dominate in this tournament! She is the heavy favorite, and once again Bliss found herself dominated! Charlotte held Bliss in many submission moves that I’ll even admit, it looked like it hurt! Bliss tried to catch Charlotte off guard with a pin just as she did to Fox! but Charlotte just kept taking it to Bliss and pinned her for the three when she hit, Bow To The Queen!

Winner – Charlotte

Rating – 5\10: Lighting could not strike twice tonight! Bliss just did not compare to Charlotte and I hope she isn’t going to be buried the way she has been! Bliss is new, and she needs to look like she can compete, but she doesn’t! The two times we have seen Bliss in the ring she has gotten little to know offense in both matches. Sadly tonight she could not catch Charlotte off guard like she did to Ms. Fox last week! Charlotte on the other hand is still the heavy favorite win! We now know for sure that at NXT: Take Over Charlotte will either face Natalya or her Tag Team Partner Sasha Banks with the NXT Womens Title on the line!

Backstage Exclusive W/Tyler Breeze

Tyler Breeze is backstage, but no is there to interview him! Instead Breeze is making a video all by himself. He starts off by listing his many names! Than states in order to be a champion not only do you need to do whatever it takes, but you have to be gorgeous! You than states both Kidd and Zayn are boring! and from Canada where no one is beautiful, He says it’s a country full of Micheal Cera’s! Breeze states that Zayn and Kidd won’t do whatever it takes, but he will! This has to be one of the best promos Breeze has ever put on! He has been very impressive ever since I stated watching NXT, and he is definitely improving on the skills he needed to!

Mojo Rawley vs. Aiden English 

Two weeks ago when Mojo Rawley defeated Oliver Grey, English came down and expressed how he is tired of Mojo and demanded he get out of his ring. Aiden rushed in, but Mojo quickly got rid of him! Tonight the two settle their issues in this match here tonight! Regal, who is a huge fan of Aiden, even expressed his worry for English! and he should because Mojo quickly ran at English and tossed him into the turnbuckle and hit him with some huge shoulder thrust! He continued to dominate English with a huge slam and even an impressive cross body! English did mange to get into control as he kept Mojo grounded with a Chin Lock, but that was bout it! Mojo managed to get out of the submission hold and hit a clothesline before tossing English back into the turnbuckle and hit him with a HUGE splash! Mojo followed up with a Rear End right to the face of English and he finished him off with Overdrive!

Winner – Mojo Rawley 

Rating – 5\10: Honestly the matches have not been that great tonight. Aiden was the first challenge to Mojo and it didn’t even look like Mojo broke a sweat! Yes, English did get some offense in and some in better than none I guess! But I have a huge problem with Mojo! He is not ready to be in the ring! Tonight I wanted to see more from him, something he hasn’t shown me in his previous showing, but instead it was just the same thing! If WWE is serious about Mojo, they need to let him train more, because just like The Ascension, I’m getting tired of Mojo doing the same thing!

Backstage Exclusive W/Tyson Kidd

Kidd is asked by an unnamed man about his match later tonight! Kidd expresses that The Shield, The Wyatts and Big E are making noise on the main roster, and they are all from NXT! He says he believes in working hard and second chances and ends the interview by saying he will by World Champ!

Angelo Dawkins vs. Colin Cassady

Angelo Dawkins is already in the ring and dancing to his forgettable theme music, but a familiar theme plays over the loud speakers! and its his opponent Big Cass! I feel it is important to acknowledge that The commentators did say that Big Cass is now being looked at in a different light, and many believe he is a future NXT World Champ! Dawkins is another guy who I feel has an interesting look, but we don’t get to see much from him! Colin was very stiff tonight it seemed like! Colin his Dawkins with many hard hitting strikes, varying from knees to just straight punches! Despite the fact there is a match going on, CJ Parker manged to catch the audience’s attention as he walked around them with a sign that read “No More Xtra Toxins!” with the NXT logo being used as well, also on the back of the sign it read “This Sign is Recyclable.” Back in the match Colin Cassady is still dominated over Dawkins, but Angelo managed to hit an impressive drop kick, but as it seemed like he was getting back into the match Big Cass quickly shut him back down! Towards the end of the match Cass hit a massive Big Boot and than followed with East River Crossing to win the match!

Winner – Colin Cassady

Rating – 6\10: It’s great to hear that Big Cass is starting to get some attention, because I have felt for a long time that Colin has it! When I look at Cassady I see a future World Champion, and I’m not talking about the NXT title! Two superstars shined here tonight thought, and it wasn’t Angelo Dawkins! Despite the fact that CJ Parker was not even in the match, I believe he made the biggest impact! I’m not sure if a feud is in sorts here, but I’m glad to see both superstars looking good! Now if only Angelo can start looking good, because there is something about him that has me interested to see more!

Backstage segment W/ JBL & Bo Dallas

The General Manager of NXT is shown backstage texting, when the former NXT Champion, Bo Dallas walks up to him with a bunch of papers in his hands! Bo tells JBl that they are fan letters from his Bo-Leviers! He also tells Bradshaw that when he was talking to them on his Bo Hotline that they were demanding he get another shot. Bo than tells JBL that if he doesn’t add him to the triple threat match, that all the letters from his Bo-Leivers would go to JBL! JBL tells Bo he can’t give him something he doesn’t deserve, but he tells Bo that if he can beat his next opponent, he would get a title shot, but if Bo loses, he would leave NXT! Bo asks who is opponent is, and JBL gives him five guesses! Bo’s first guess was John Cena! JBL tells him he is wrong and doesn’t even let Bo guess the next 4 times and tells him that he will be facing Big E! Bo is excited about this match since Big E never beat him and he did beat Big E for the NXT World Title! Bo leaves his letters with JBL to end the segment!

Triple Threat Match for the Number One Contendership for the NXT Championship

Tyson Kidd vs. Tyler Breeze vs. Sami Zayn

All there superstars take awhile to get the match started, as they stand in a triangle and wait for their moment! Zayn and Kidd seemed like they were about to lock up, but Breeze went after Kidd. Tyson quickly counters and took it to both Breeze and Zayn with stiff kicks! Zayn manged to gain control and was able to toss Tyson into the turnbuckle after the two exchanged some strikes and as Zayn measured Kidd up for that Running Boot into the Turnbuckle, Breeze caught him off guard with a Beauty Shot while he was running! Tyler pinned Zayn, but Kidd was there to break it up! Kidd and Breeze began to fight with the two exchanging the advantage many times! Breeze was mostly in control, until Kidd got him on the outside! Kidd began to build up some steam and dive to the outside to take out Tyler Breeze, but he got his forearm up and Kidd went face first into it. Directly after that though Zayn built up some speed and did a Front Flip over the ropes onto Tyler Breeze, he than climbed to the top of the turnbuckle and hit Kidd with a Cross Body, but only got a two! The two continued to battle, Tyson managed to grab the legs of Zayn and lock him into The Sharpshooter, but as Zayn suffered in the middle of the ring, Tyler Breeze came to his rescue with a Super Kick to the side of the skull of Tyson! Breeze covered Kidd but only got a two! It was back and forth but once we got to the end it got crazy! Tyson Kidd climbed to the top of the turnbuckle and was looking for Blockbuster of Breeze, but Tyler once again hit Kidd with a forearm to the head, but the second he turned around Zayn connected with that Running Big Boot in the Turnbuckle! Zayn climbed to the top where Tyson was, but Kidd tossed him out of the ring and hit an Elbow Drop on Breeze! Zayn rushed in but was a second to late when Kidd pinned Breeze for the three.

Winner & New Number On Contender – Tyson Kidd

Rating – 8\10: I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t remember a whole lot from this match! A lot happened and I’m sure I missed some stuff! All three competitors went to war here tonight! All looked like they could of won at one point and they all looked good! We now know at NXT : Take Over, Adrian Neville will defend his NXT Championship against Tyson Kidd! and I for one am very excited for that match!

Superstar of the Night – Tyson Kidd.

Once again Tyson finds himself as the superstar of the night! Ever since Kidd has returned to NXT he has been very impressive. Picking up victories over Mason Ryan and Bo Dallas! and now beating both Sami Zayn and Tyler Breeze in a Triple Threat here tonight! Kidd was very impressive in his promo earlier and he made a great point when he mentioned how The Shield, The Wyatts and Big E are making an impact on the main roster and they all came from NXT! Now Kidd gets his first ever singles title shot in the WWE! Tyson said early tonight he will be NXT World Champion! and now it is very possible!

If you have any suggestions for films/TV/Games/Music for me to review, drop me a comment! Remember: Like Media In Review @ https://www.facebook.com/MediaInReview?ref=hl Follow Media in Review @ https://twitter.com/Media_In_Review.

Feel free to check out my YouTube channel where I do Let’s Plays!-http://www.youtube.com/user/OmgWtfLolFtwBrb

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