Without Slowing Down, Sam Void and Thomas Newson Release "Like That"
Now that we are fully out of festival season, it is time to slow down and revisit one of our favorite artists. This weekend we have “Like That”, the latest from Thomas Newson and Sam Void over on Protocol. While Sam Void was just in our cycle through his collaboration with Maximals, Sam’s “On My Mind” is one of our favorite tracks that we have covered. Sam decided to draft fellow Dutch producer Thomas Newson to help pen the latest track, as Void’s talent shines when paired with another blazing flame. Both artists have been slowly destroying the scene since their careers started, earning millions of streams between their remixes and original tracks.
For “Like That”, Newson and Void step into the ring this time to stretch out their creative muscles. While we have come to know Void for his jazz and pop-fusion, we hop on his train ride to the realm of UK-inspired garage. Not wanting to be stuck in the mold of traditional house, Void and Newson break free and create a garage synth-filled yet bouncy track that will easily find its way to the dance floor in no time flat. While Void may still be riding the wave of success from “Pressure”, we are glad to see that he isn’t stopping to smell the flowers.
Make sure you check out “Like That” on Spotify!
Need more Thomas Newson and Sam Void? Follow on socials!
Thomas Newson
Sam Void
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.