Pop Innovator BOYU Releases Psychedelic Indie-Pop Single “Miata Trip”, Inspired By Euphoria!
When there is a show that gains so much attention that it becomes a cultural moment, you know that music will follow soon. In our latest peek into the indie world we are checking out “Miata Trip”, the latest single from BOYU. When BOYU first discovered his passion for music, he was originally being trained in the classical world as a classical pianist. His focus wouldn’t stay with the piano for very long, widening his scope to learn drums, guitar, & digital production. BOYU made a splash with his debut back in April 2021, already racking up 500,000+ streams/views independently! BOYU has since continued running with that momentum, dropping two singles in 2022 and letting his genre-bending experimentation be a prominent feature in his music. Now with his latest single “Miata Trip” out on the airwaves, BOYU will be performing at Spring Fest on March 19th with Tessa Rae, Banana Club, and Halo Kitsch. Info for the show can be found HERE
“Akin to the euphoric peaks of a trip, the verses/bridge represents liberation of the soul, uplifting & carefree, paired with bright happy chords/melody, In contrast, the chorus/outro rap symbolize the dark downward spiral when stuck in a self-deprecating headspace, with minor chords, angsty flow/production, & slowed BPM.” – BOYU
When it comes to this form of dance-pop music, we can’t help but just flow along with the genre-bending vibes. Inspired by the highs and lows of a psychedelic trip, we’re looking at you Euphoria, “Miata Trip” is an interesting multi-faceted pop single that deserves its time in the spotlight. Playing along with tempo and style, BOYU fluctuates between high-energy sunshine pop music and slower more introspective R&B, in order to fully complete the immersion that is this pop-filled psychedelic trip. While “Miata Trip” may sound and appear as just another dance-pop song right out of the gate, but the more you get absorbed the more you lose yourself on this audible trip. We will gladly take some time to experience this “Miata Trip” and you should too.
Make sure you check out “Miata Trip” on Spotify below and on Apple Music!
Need more Boyu? Follow on socials!
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.