Film Reviews

Just A Quick Update!

Hello my friends and welcome to just a quick update on some of the things I will be doing here on this site!

  • The first thing I would like to cover is that I will no longer be doing the weekly NXT reviews. It was something I have enjoyed doing, and may go back to in the future, but right now with so many things going on all at once we are going to have to stop.
  • I will continue to cover WWE’s monthly PPV’s and any NXT Special including the upcoming NXT: Take Over that airs on September 11th I believe.
  • I will continue to review Video Games, Movies and TV Shows as well.

So really not to much to go over, just really wanted to mainly announce that I will no longer be doing the weekly reviews, but be sure to be on the look out for many reviews in the future.

Also if you would like to check out my YouTube channel, the link should be down below. On my channel you’ll find mostly video game content such as Let’s Plays and my weekly Universe Mode off the WWE Video Game Series (’12, ’13 and WWE 2K14.)



and as always if any of you have anything you would like to suggest to me to review, I welcome the challenge!




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