House of Cards Season 3: Frank Underwood A Bad President?
Hello everybody! House of Cards is back for a third season. If you want to check out my reviews of the previous seasons, check them out here Season 1 and Season 2.
DIRECTOR: Carl Franklin, Jodie Foster, James Foley and Robin Wright
STARRING: Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, Michael Kelly, Michel Gil, Molly Parker, Gerald McRaney, Mahershala Ali, Sebastian Arcelus
GENRE: Political, Drama
YEAR: 2013- Current
COUNTRY: United States
The season chronicles the first few months of Frank Underwood as President. The new President faces immense pressure from the start of his term, as betrayal and opposition grows inside his party. Determined to leave a legacy not be a “placeholder” president after assuming the office, Underwood makes ambitious moves to march towards election in the 2016 Presidential Elections.
Doug Stamper recovers from his injuries by Rachel Posner, although struggles with alcoholism. Gavin Orsay helps Doug to find Rachel in exchange for lifting the ban on his passport, however, the findings he delivers is of a body reported as a Jane Doe but with matching fingerprints to Rachel. Distraught, Doug entreats his brother, Gary Stamper, to stay with him for the following two months. After fleeing to Venezuela, Gavin reveals he gave Doug false information and that Rachel was alive, and said he would reveal her location if he helped a compeer get out of jail.
Doug tracks down Gavin and brutalizes him for the information, then sets out to find Rachel, who is working odd jobs to pay for a false identity. Doug captures Rachel and drives into the desert with the intent to kill her, but reconsiders when she reveals she’s abandoned efforts to uncover Frank Underwood’s crimes and reveals her new identity to him. He releases her, but vacillates again and is last seen burying her body before returning to work for Frank Underwood as Chief of Staff after Remy Danton resigns, presumably jaded by the treatment Frank showed Jackie Sharp during the presidential debate.
Meanwhile, First Lady Claire Underwood is named the United States Ambassador to the United Nations and faces a crisis in the Jordan Valley, where Frank Underwood and the United States are pitted against the cunning President Petrov of Russia. Tensions rise between Frank and Claire, which culminates in Claire stating her intentions to leave Francis in the season finale.
The third season marks the possible end of the series, which it better not end on this note. This season was incredibly slow, while the series is not known for its fast pace it still could have picked it up just a bit. Story-wise, it was interesting enough to keep me binging five or six episodes a night. Towards the end of the season, it felt that it was trying to wrap up everything in a nice little bow. The main and supporting casts’ performances were phenomenal as usual, making the example the House of Cards is the cream of the crop.
I was so excited for House of Cards to come back for its 3rd season. I do want to say that if what I heard is true (this is the last season for the series) then I will be severely pissed at the series creators.I wish that they incorporated Doug at least more of his character into the main story, and to forget about Rachel and Gavin. They should have either killed him off or given him a new story arc, we are tired of this cat and mouse game. While we did see Claire becoming more involved in the presidency, I wish she didn’t leave. She should have become to manipulative behind-the-scene first lady, suits Robin Wright’s character and style.
- Main cast performance.
- Supporting cast performance.
- Interesting story.
- Pacing.
- Claire Underwood arc.
- Doug’s entire story.
- Cliffhanger.
SCORE: 7.8 / 10
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.