Enigmatic Duo Pushing Daizies Make Official Debut on Dim Mak With Uplifting Single “Want It To End”
When you have a major label like Steve Aoki’s Dim Mak supporting your official debut, you may just have gold on your hands. On our latest stopover at Dim Mak we are checking out “Want It To End” the debut single of the enigmatic duo Pushing Daizies. Originally seeded around two years ago, Pushing Daizies is a brand new project of two prominent US producers who embrace the concept of life and put it into their work. Initially beginning as a series of collaborations between the two artists, a unique link was uncovered and they knew that they couldn’t let his energy go to waste. The duo’s moniker refers to the concept of “pushing daisies” or the flowers that are grown over a burial plot after someone dies. While death may occur and is inevitable, life can be reborn from its ashes.
“The Pushing Daizies project was almost 2 years in the making, and we couldn’t be more excited to finally roll it out. What began as a couple of collaborations ended up turning into a full project with over 20 unreleased originals. I think the fact that the intention was never to form a duo, and was purely organic, makes this even sweeter. We just hope the world enjoys our music as much as we did creating it.” – Pushing Daizies
Now the real question is, how are you going to take this concept and condense it down to fit within a track? Well, you develop your own style under the EDM umbrella and completely run with it. Taking some heavy influences from the future bass genre, Pushing Daizies crafted a groovy and emotive track to set the stage for their debut. “Want It To End” puts their signature sound on display for the rest of the world to experience, setting their hopeful and uplifting tone that we hope will continue in future tracks. The track’s accompanying lyric video helps drive this narrative home, as it serves as a simple illustration of two daisies holding true in regardless of the conditions around them.
Make sure you check out “Want It To End” on Spotify below and on YouTube!
Need more Pushing Daizies? Follow on socials!
Pushing Daizies
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Dim Mak
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.