NXT with Steven PehmTelevision

2-5-14 WWE NXT- An End of a Rivalry!

Hello everyone one, and welcome to my review of February 5th’s edition of NXT. NXT is a show that revolves around the up and coming superstars in WWE’s developmental system, but this weeks things are a little different. Usually NXT is free, but this week it was only available to Hulu Plus members, so I went with the free one week trial, and I guess we will see where things go from there, but without further to do, lets get started with the first match of the night!

Sin Cara vs. Alexander Rusev w/Lana

We start of the night with the Bulgarian Brute! A couple weeks ago Rusev defeated Xavier Woods, and continued to keep The Accolade locked in, until Sin Cara came down for the save, and that’s why we have this match this week. The match was honestly kind of sloppy. What it looked like to me was that Sin Cara was trying to be to fast, and Rusev couldn’t keep up. There were some cool spots, but looks like Rusev shines when its slow. Sin Cara tried for something when he got on top of Rusev’s shoulders, but it backfired when Rusev threw him fast first into the mat, and locked in The Accolade for the victory. Afterwards Rusev would lock in and let go of The Accolade over and over on Lana’s command.

Winner- Alexander Rusev

Rating- 5\10: As I said before the match was sloppy and these two don’t seem to mix well, but at least they put on a decent match up. The only thing they needed to accomplish here, was to make Rusev look good, and tonight they accomplished that!

Emma vs. Alicia Fox

Alicia Fox travels down from the main roster this week to challenge The Bubbly One! Now Emma, sort of made her debut on the main roster this past Monday Night Raw (which I did do a review of) when she was picked out of the crowd by Santino Marella and won a Dance Contest against Summer Rae, so it makes sense that WWE would send some main roster Divas to face her and test her. The match itself was a little slow at times, and I’m going to have to blame this on Alicia Fox honestly. I’ve seen what Emma can do in the ring with the likes on Paige (c), Natalya and Summer Rae, and tonight just did not show of the skill, and Alicia has never been the best diva on the roster, she is improving, but she will never be mistaken as the best, either way Emma wins by forcing Alicia to tap to the Emma Lock, and after the match The BFF’s (Summer Rae, Sasha Banks & Charlotte) all ran down and started to beat down on Emma, and Natalya and Bailey came down to make the save, so i feel we may get a 6 Diva Tag Match in the future!


Rating-4/10: As I said before I blame Alicia for how slow the match felt, and its mainly because that is what I’m used to seeing from Ms. Fox in her bouts. The two tried to make this a great match, but it just wasn’t there. The after match beat down does plant the seeds for a future match between The BFFs and the team of Natalya, Bailey and Emma, and it even teased a possible alliance between The BFFs and Alicia Fox!

Sylvester Lefort vs. Mason Ryan

Last week Lefort held auditions to be his next client, and only three showed up. the first was a boy with Cauliflower ears, the second was a very strange and creepy man, and the last was none other than Mason Ryan! Ryan stated that is Lefort can beat him one on one he would become Lefort’s client. So tonight Sylvester gets his chance! The match was a one sided beat down, witch is honestly a shame, because I bet Lefort is actually a good wrestler, he sure looks the part at least. Lefort got in some moves, but Mason beat him down quick!

Winner- Mason Ryan

Rating-4/10: It wasn’t much of a match, after the hype last week, I was kind of expecting more from this match, my mistake I guess. I’m not sure if this ends the rivalry, or is just another step forward, but tonight if the mission was to make Ryan look strong, they sort of accomplished that, but he beating Sylvester Lefort doesn’t impress me at least!

Aiden English Promo

English cuts a quick promo talking about how last week he threatened a man in a wheel chair, and expresses how much he doesn’t feel bad for doing it.

Sylvester Lefort Promo

Well I guess this answers my question! It would appear Lefort is done with Mason Ryan, because in this short interview he hold his head and ribs in pain and scream “I’m Done With Mason Ryan!” It doesn’t get anymore clearer than that!

Aiden English vs. Tyson Kidd

It feels like tonight there were a lot of main roster stars on the show. First Sin Cara, than Alicia Fox and now Tyson Kidd, guaranteed there not huge stars on the main roster, but still just an interesting this to point out. Anyway this match was really well done, despite the fact how I can’t stand C M Punk, I do have to agree with him when he said Tyson Kidd is the work horse of this company, because this guy is really good, and I honestly feel he could be a big deal in the future of the WWE if he is just given a legitimate chance to get over! Aiden English on the other hand has been very impressive in his short time in NXT. So when these to clashed I expected good things, and I was not disappointed! The two went back in forth, but a little distracting for Big Cass proved to be to much for Aiden! Colin Cassady came down to the ring and started to put on English’s Beret and Scarf as he mocked The Artist. Colin threw Aiden’s beret over his head, and as English turned around to get it, a waiting Tyson Kidd leaped of the tip turnbuckle to hit the Diving Somersault Neckbreaker for the win!

Winner-Tyson Kidd

Rating-7/10: The victory for Tyson is bitter sweet. Yea he just picked up a victory, but it doesn’t really matter because he is not an NXT superstars, so this victory really does nothing for his career. However the distraction by Big Cass does do something for Aiden English’s career, and that is continue the rivalry with the two and keep both of the in the spotlight of NXT!

Adrian Neville vs. Corey Graves 

Our main event of the night sees former tag team partners battle it out. Now before I talk about this match, there is something I would like to get off my mind. Last week Sami Zayn practically dared Antonio Cesaro to come down to the ring next week (witch would be tonight) and say No to his face, and this never happened, nor was it ever mentioned. I supposed it will happen another night, but don’t say something you don’t plan to execute. Anyway back to the match was really good, definitely the best match of the night. Both Graves and Neville are already great talents, but given the fact that the two used to be partners and know each other pretty well made the match better. I feel this was the nail in the coffin of this rivalry, witch is a shame because it never really got started, since Graves was injured right when they started their feud, and came back when English was already in a new feud for the NXT Championship. Not they can always revisit this feud if Neville captures the World Title, but tonight seemed to be the end for these two. They put on a great match witch saw Graves target Neville’s legs for the majority of the match, but it didn’t help him the match, because Neville was till able to climb to the top turnbuckle and hit The Red Arrow for the win. After the match Bo Dallas (c) came down to the ring, and looked like he was ready to beat down Neville, but Triple H’s music played and The COO came down the ring and announced to the two, that there title match on the 27th edition of NXT will be NXT’s first ever Ladder Match!

Winner-Adrian Neville

Rating-8/10: A great way to end the feud between the two. I’m a little sad to see this feud end, because it never got started, but I’m pretty sure that it will be revisited pretty soon. Also add the end segment at the end where HHH announced NXT’s first ever Ladder Match was enough to get me excited!

Superstar of the night-Adrian Neville

Neville was really impressive tonight in his main event match with his former Tag Team Partner, but it was even announced that is Title Match with Bo Dallas (c) will be in a Ladder Match! A Match that appears would favor Adrian Neville more than it would Bo Dallas (c). Ladies and Gentlemen we may be looking at the next NXT Champion!

NXT wrestling is free to watch at-http://www.hulu.com/wwe-nxt

Also feel free to check out my YouTube channel where I do Let’s Plays!-http://www.youtube.com/user/OmgWtfLolFtwBrb

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