Phoenix Hard Rock Band Fire By Night Explores Mental Health in New Rock Banger “Obsessions”
It’s about time we took a minute and re-visited our roots, where our love for music thrived early on. On our latest peek into the indie music world we are checking out “Obsessions”, the latest single from Fire by Night. Based out of Phoenix, AZ, Fire by Night is a promising hard rock band that is cautiously stretching their legs and introducing their sound to the masses. Coming off the high of their debut self-titled Fire by Night EP, the band has been tweaking their sound and preparing for their interpretation of hard rock to skyrocket. “Obsessions” is the band’s third single released this far in 2021, prepping the stage for another slew of singles all throughout mid-2022. Fire by Night is on a path of evolution, with each single guaranteed to expand Fire by Night’s skillset and repertoire.
A long time ago, back when we were we lads in the music blogging/feature world, we found ourselves in the world of hard rock. While our personal tastes may have widened over the years when we have a moment to go back to our roots we will gladly do so. The latest to come out of the Fire by Night camp, “Obsessions” is the band’s approach to the topic of mental health…running towards it with full force/ Finding the perfect balance between talented storytelling and rhythmic guitar riffs, “Obsessions” is a fantastic introduction to the band’s sound. For us, Fire by Night feels as if they are a mixture of both Evanescence and Nightwish, as if both bands clashed together and Fire by Night pulled their sound out of the remaining rubble. We can confidently say that we will be keeping an eye on these Phoenix rockers and will be very excited to hear more as their discography grows.
Make sure you check out “Obsessions” on Spotify below!
Need more Fire By Night? Follow on socials!
Fire By Night
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.