Armada DeepHouse

German Duo Plastik Funk Release New Bliss House Track: “Sunrise” (Club Mix)

coverWhile I am honestly a sunset kind of guy, I do sure as hell love myself a “Sunrise”. Alright, I know that was corny but it had to be done. On this beautiful New Music Monday (that may be a thing now, just FYI), I bring some fresh club beats straight from German producers Plastik Funk. Let them show you their own “Sunrise”.

First off, we here at MIR have to give a shout out to Katt Rose. Her beautiful vocals combined with the skills of Plastik Funk  completely elevate “Sunrise” to the next level.  With the first release of “Sunrise” being the club mix, this version focuses on the groovy bass line and tones back the vocals just a bit. Not too much though, as they combine together and wrap up into the perfect “Sunrise” that we all need.  Not a fan of the club mix? Well then keep a close eye on this duo, as we should be seeing an extended mix early 2017.

Definitely not any nobodies to the world of EDM, Plastik Funk include the skillful producers Rafael Ximenez-Carrillo and Mikio Gruschinske. These two adapted their own style of house, known as blissful house, that easily adapts to many different ambiances and tastes. It adapts to the listener’s tastes, featuring both hands on the floor club beats as well as a beautifully beat that we can easily get lost in. What can we hope to see from Plastik Funk in 2017?

\Want to listen to the track yourself? Listen to it here! Also be sure to check back for the Extended Mix!

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Need more Plastik Funk? Check ’em out on social media below!

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Brandon Stuhr

Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more "on" version of me.

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