Anime Club: Hellsing Ultimate
We are back with another Hellsing review! This time we are going to be looking at the OVA series Hellsing Ultimate.
DIRECTED/CREATED BY: Tomokazu Tokoro, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Yasuhiro Matsumura, Kenichi Suzuki
GENRE: Action, Biopunk, Drama,Horror, Science fantasy
YEAR: 2006-2012
In flashback, Integra is seen assuming leadership of the Hellsing organization as she resolves a conflict with her uncle with the help of the vampire Alucard. In present day, Alucard goes on a mission to the town of Cheddar to silence a vampiric priest who has been killing townspeople, and in the process must also present the young police girl Seras Victoria with the choice to either die or become a vampire. Also, Alucard battles a Vatican priest named Alexander Anderson after they are both sent to kill the same vampire in Northern Ireland.
Hellsing Ultimate is everything that the original Hellsing series should have been. Our favorite police girl Seras Victoria is much more awesome than she was in the original series, as she was an incredible pussy the first time around. Alucard is much more menacing and even cooler in Ultimate, showing off even more of his endless vampiric powers. If you want a series that will follow as close to the manga as you can get, check Hellsing Ultimate out.
I honestly don’t have many gripes about Hellsing Ultimate this time. The English dub is far improved from its predecessor and it is a real thrill to watch. Be prepared to sit through an extra long session of Hellsing Ultimate. Fear Alucard! Nah, fear Seras Victoria and her dual-wielding cannons. Inhuman strength for the win.
- Close to manga.
- More gore.
- Better characters.
- Episode length.
SCORE: 9.0 / 10
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Who am I? Just some guy who decided to start writing on the Internet years ago and now operates his own brand and site. Owner/Operator of Modern Neon Media, I make all kinds of niche content to suit my interests at the time. DIY Enthusiast, Brewmaster extraordinaire, and avid freak for geek culture. Follow on my socials for a more “on” version of me.
Hellsing Ultimate is much better than the original series. I was surprised at the sheer amount of differences between both series but it is definitely worth the watch.
I have watched the original anime, but only part of the OVA. Paladin Andersen is my fave character and the butler is cool too.